Visit any college or university academic building and you’ll most likely be overwhelmed with an abundance of technology. Classrooms are digitized, libraries are home to countless computers, cameras, and equipment, and if you asked any student what kind of technology they had in their bookbag, their list would probably include some combination of a laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Odds are, that laptop, tablet, and smartphone also house a few online textbooks, and sometimes even the curriculum for an entire semester-long course.


University KioskThere’s no denying that students and professors, alike, are more tech-savvy than ever—they’re incorporating digital learning into their lectures, presentations, homework, and projects. However, while many colleges and universities are incorporating technology into the learning environment, many are just beginning to invest in technology outside of the classroom. While technology is certainly a useful learning tool, universities and colleges can benefit greatly from exploring other innovative ways to incorporate it into other aspects of their campus.  


Digital signage and kiosks utilize the technology that students, professors, and visitors know and love to promote information sharing, efficiency, and accessibility across campus.


Colleges and universities can implement digital kiosks and signage for:


Information Sharing

College and university campuses of all sizes are home to a plethora of events on any given day. From clubs and greek life, to sporting events, professional organizations, and career fairs—it can be difficult for students to stay in the know with all that’s going on. Digital signage, placed strategically throughout campus, can serve as a unique information hub for students to reference as they’re walking from class to class, or planning their afternoon or weekend.  


Tuition & Bill Payment

While most colleges and universities offer an online portal on which students and parents can pay tuition and fees, those sites are typically only compatible with debit or credit card payments. Tuition and bill payment kiosks, on the other hand, allow students to make payments with cash, check, credit, or debit card at their own convenience. The solutions are both secure and user friendly, allowing them to be placed in common areas, such as student unions, dining halls, and administration buildings, where students have 24/7 access.



Though college and university campuses vary in size, they can still be difficult to navigate—especially for visitors or new students. Wayfinding kiosks can be strategically placed throughout campuses in central locations and designed to include interactive maps, directories, and listings that provide additional information about the selected destination. They can also be equipped with printing and mobile integration capabilities, making it even easier for students and visitors to find their destination.


Banner ID & Card Printing

Students and on-campus staff use their ID cards for a multitude of daily tasks, from swiping into buildings, to buying food in the dining hall, and checking out materials or computers from the library. So in the instance that someone loses their ID card, they’ll most likely want to replace it immediately. While most colleges and universities have an office where students and staff can replace their cards during business hours, banner ID and card printing kiosks allow for 24/7 access. Students and staff can simply take their picture, pay for, and retrieve their card all through the kiosk and in a matter of minutes.  



Whether it’s visitors and prospective students checking in for a tour, or current students checking in for an academic advising or tutoring appointment, digital check-in kiosks allow users to bypass the traditional check-in process at the administration desk. Users are able to interact with the kiosk to check in, confirm their information, and electronically complete any necessary documentation. Check-in kiosks also enable university employees, who would have previously been tasked with the check-in process, to be available to answer questions and provide any necessary guidance to visitors or students.  


College and university classrooms and libraries are home to some of the latest and most advanced technology, but many schools are just beginning to take the first steps toward fully integrating technology throughout campus. Digital kiosks and signage are a great place to start, as they incorporate the technology students, professors, and visitors already use in other aspects of their everyday life to simplify their on-campus experience.


To learn more about Meridian’s digital kiosk and signage solutions, visit

October 24, 2018