What Makes a Smart Locker “Smart”?

Written by Kyle Conroy



A device is considered “Smart” once it can connect to the internet.

Connection to the internet allows various devices to gather and analyze data, then use that information to perform actions, or provide insights to users. 


When traditional devices such as lockers are upgraded with the latest advancements in digital computing and connected to the world wide web, they become “Smart” machines. These machines are capable of revolutionizing almost every system and industry.

Devices Accepted to The School of The World Wide Web

Creating devices with access to the internet is one of the most revolutionary breakthroughs in the history of technological science. 

Once any traditional tool is connected to the internet, it can perform new and incredible functions which were once impossible. These growing capabilities are becoming increasingly limitless as engineers continue incorporating them into devices.


For example, a traditional household thermostat simply tells the temperature. However, a Smart Thermostat can adjust the A/C, send texts to homeowners, inform them about upcoming weather forecasts, and even turn on the heat before the homeowners arrive home. 


Additionally, these incredible advancements are all part of a larger movement happening within the tech world. Innovations involve the growing network of inter-connected Smart Devices. These devices are already shaping the digital future.


The Graduation of Lockers Into The Internet of Things

Smart Lockers are the hottest new Smart Devices to emerge in the growing network of inter-connected tools and devices known as the Internet of Things (IoT).


IoT refers to the expanding network of physical objects from devices to vehicles that have the ability to exchange data. More importantly, these devices can increase efficiency and ease-of-use across a wide variety of use cases. 


The primary goal of the IoT is to create a more interconnected world. Allowing devices to communicate and work together seamlessly, improving efficiency, convenience, and safety.

Essentially, Smart Devices are average tools with advanced computing power. Smart devices have the ability to utilize information and provide users with a more useful and personalized experience. Traditional lockers are now being created with digital features, earning them the coveted title of “Smart Device”.


The Smart Lockers at Meridian use state-of-the-art engineering and digital interfacing to provide customers with the next generation of storage systems. 

Visit our website to learn more about the new and exciting capabilities of our Smart Lockers. Learn how they can upgrade your business’s storage systems today. 

Or contact us today for a quote to start choosing the perfect Smart Locker solution for your business.



May 8, 2023