Kiosks are finding a place in almost every vertical of service. From Government and Education to Retail, organizations are looking for quality self-service solutions. In order to provide a reliable solution to their consumers, these organizations need to find a reliable kiosk manufacturer. While many interactive kiosk providers are able to outsource specific phases of the manufacturing process, a true kiosk manufacturer can provide in-house manufacturing beginning with design thinking all the way through installation. Here’s a look at the process, materials and tools used to create quality self-service solutions.

Design Thinking

Designers use Design Thinking to create custom kiosk solutions that help clients address their market needs. Drawing from a breadth of kiosk design experience, as well as the aesthetic requirements for each project, the designers creates a series of conceptual and environmental renders for review. This is a critical step in figuring out what type of lighting or signage is needed to make the kiosk visible and attractive to users.

Design Engineering

Design engineers take the desired concept and create a fully functional 3-D CAD model using Solidworks. Solidworks is a tool used by kiosk manufacturers to design and modify kiosk designs. From a simple modification on a standard model to a completely custom design, designers and engineers use solidworks to create fully functional kiosks. The 3-D CAD accounts for every screw, weld point, component, bracket and hinge throughout the entire unit. Engineers who understand the complete fabrication process will account for all the steps required in building a fully functional design.


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Full Fabrication

Engineers export a DXF file from Solidworks and store the file in a product data management system for the fabrication team to access. The Laser and Turret Punch Operator pulls the DXF file from the product data management system for nesting. Nesting is used to determine the necessary size of sheet steel and how to best utilize the sheet to minimize waste. The laser is then used for precise, very exact cuts while the turret punch is used to stamp out more simple shapes of steel. The press break is then used to from pre-cut kiosk parts. The tech uses the forming dies to bend the pre-cut sheet metal to match the design prints. Once bending is completed, welding is used to strengthen, finish and seal all aspects of the kiosks. Pneumatic sanders are used to prep and finish raw steel prior to being powder coated. Chassis are pre-washed to remove any oils, dirt, and grime from the metal. They are then rinsed and sprayed with a rust preventative. The chassis are placed into an oven to prepare the metal. Finally, the Powdercoat paint is applied and the chassis are placed into the oven to adhere paint to the metal. For outdoor kiosks, an additional primer base coat is also applied.


Assembly, Integration and Quality Assurance

Each component of the self-service solution is fitted together and inspected before Kiosk software is integrated and tested by software engineers. Before units are cleaned and packaged, Each component of the kiosk is inspected by experienced employees to ensure quality and functionality.

Staging and Deployment

Staging is the final checkpoint. Units are cleaned, inspected, wrapped, packaged, and overall prepared at the kiosks manufacturer’s facility before heading to the final destination. The kiosk manufacturer will guide clients with a strategic action plan for their kiosk deployment.


Not only do kiosk manufacturers provide end-to-end quality solutions, they support what they sell with a dedicated support team ready to assist clients. From standard return-to-depot warranty to onsite service and support, a true kiosk manufacturer has the in-house personnel to ensure that if clients ever have issues, they will be addressed quickly and effectively.

Concept to Completion

Kiosk providers with the ability to manufacture their own products are able to guide clients with a strategic action for their kiosk deployment. “Keeping manufacturing in-house allows us to control every step in the process,” said Bob Hubert, Director of Manufacturing at Meridian Kiosks. “We have numerous stop gates and checkpoints at each and every process to ensure the best quality for our clients.”

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