In 2012, Complete Cash was employing numerous associates to handle cash throughout a day. Cash was constantly changing hands from the service desk to the office to the bank. This costly management of cash led Complete Cash to search for a better way to manage cash flow and improve profitability.
The search for a comprehensive cash management solution led Complete Cash to Meridian’s ACM (Automated Currency Manager). This automated cash recycling system combines the functions of an accept/dispense unit into a single closed-loop device that manages cash in one centralized location. The ACM relies on Meridian’s proprietary MzeroManage software and the MEI Bank Note Recycler (BNR) to streamline the cash management process by lowering cash handling costs, reducing cash float, optimizing cash-in-transit costs, increasing security and providing the industry best valid street-grade note acceptance.
Since September 2012 Complete Cash has deployed over 100 ACM units. The ACM has maximized employee efficiency and decreased security risk. “The ACM offered exactly the accountability we desired,” said Jason Walters, Complete Cash Director of Information Technology. “The unit manages the cash we deposit and dispense, while cutting down on cash exposure and eliminating theft – it’s like having an extremely productive employee.” Complete Cash stores can now focus on spending more time with the customer and less time on cash handling. Improving customer satisfaction leads to repeat business and, ultimately, increased profitability.